Monday, July 9, 2012

Mickey and Friends Name Sign

I know.. I'm lame. Started a blog dedicated to crafting, baking, and the joys of home... and no posts. In over a year! Hopefully, this tutorial will make up for my blogging blunder! 

If you have someone who loves Disney, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or have a Mickey party coming up, let this name sign be front and center! It's easy, pretty inexpensive (use those coupons!)... but I think the best part? It will last as long as they love Mickey!

Supplies Needed:
  • unfinished wooden letters to spell child's name (found at craft stores. Use coupons- I found them for $2.99 but bought them when wood-crafting items were 50% off)
  • wood board to fit all your letters (my husband brought this home from his work- but find one at your craft or home improvement store)
  • craft paint (The cheap, craft store brand worked very well)- in black, red, lime green, blue, pink, orange, and a deep golden yellow ( or mix yellow and two drops of red)
  • white card stock
  • black and pink felt
  • glue gun
  • foam brushes
  • unfinished wood circles (also found at craft store). This is for Mickey and Minnie's ears. You can also use black cardstock cut into matching circles.
  • Painter's Tape
  • Black Sharpie

After rounding up all your supplies, plan out how many Character's you will need so that each letter gets one. I used Pluto, Mickey, Donald, Minnie, and Goofy. Use your painter's tape to give you nice, even edges between colors. Start by painting your base board black. Having black glossy spray paint was nice for this, but craft paint and foam brushes work and look just as nice.

Pluto: Mark off with your painter's tape his collar. I used 1-inch tape and I thought it was a perfect width for his collar. I painted him a golden yellow, then let dry. After the yellow was dry, I peeled off the tape and painted his collar a lime green. Once that was dry, I cut out a bone shape, outlined it with black Sharpie, and wrote Pluto (for his dog tag).  Cut out dog ears out of black felt. Hot glue ears to side of letter and dog tag.

Micky: Mark off his pants with painter's tap. Paint the upper half of the letter black for his body. Paint two circles black, or cut circles out of black cardstock. Let letter dry, then paint bottom half red for pants. Let dry. Hot glue ears, and, if desired, yellow buttons on pants. I noticed halfway through the party that I forgot to glue his ears on... Oops!

Donald: Mark off a section with your painter's tape for his blue "shirt". paint letter white, let dry, then paint shirt blue. It may take several coats of white. On white cardstock, I just drew a picture of his hat and his bow, painted them the correct colors, outlined them in black sharpie for a nice contrast, then cut them out. Glue on hat and bow to dry letter with glue gun.

Minnie: Do the same as with Mickey, using either red or pink for her "dress". With pink felt, make bow. Cut out a rectangle of felt, pinch in center, and hot glue a strip of pink felt around pinched center. Glue ears and bow onto dry letter.

Goofy: Do the same as with characters above for painting. Blue "pants", green "belt", orange "shirt". Cut out ears out of black felt, hot glue on dry letter. I used the same method with his hat as with Donald's.

Once all letters are dry, hot glue them to dry board. The letters will stay, as this is for decor only, just don't use it as a permanent outdoor decoration. And, you know, don't throw it around or anything!

I got SO many compliments on this, and it looks really cute on my son's bookshelf next to his plush Micky's and Mickey picture frames! But when he is done with Mickey ( I cry just thinking about it), I keep thinking about doing a Toy Story one, since he LOVES that, too. Buzz, Woody, Ham, Jessie, Bullseye, the Alien, Potato Head. I might just do it, anyways!!

Hope you enjoyed! Show me pictures of your finished projects, and direct people over here when you get those compliments (because you definitely will!) And guess what? More DIY Mickey party tutorials coming soon! Here's a preview:

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Darlingly Domestic

Hi all! Welcome to Darlingly Domestic, a blog about home and heart. Keep checking back for tutorials, recipes, tips, and inspiration . Thanks all you domestic darlings!